Our practice is dedicated to providing a warm, safe and inviting place for Chiropractic and Acupuncture services.
Complete Balance proudly offers a family friendly space with individualised care plans and passionate practitioners; both Chiropractors and Acupuncturists.
You can learn more about our team here.
Private Patient ACC Patient
Initial Consultation: Adults $85.00 $65.00
Seniors & Children $85.00 $65.00
Return Visits: Adults $60.00 $35.00
Seniors & Children $50.00 $27.00
Chiropractic Concession Cards* 10 Return Visits - $550.00
Private Patient ACC Patient
IInitial Adult Consultation: (1 Hour) $88.00 $43.00
Initial Senior/ Student/Child $73.00 $26.00
Return Visits: (1 Hour) $85.00 $30.00
Return Visits: (45 Minutes) $76.00 $30.00
Return Senior/ Student/Child (45minutes to 60mins) $66.00 $26.00
Cosmetic Acupuncture (60 minutes) $125.00
Facial Gua Sha (45 minutes) $100.00
Acupuncture Concession Cards* 10 Visits (1 hour) - $750.00
If notified the day before the appointment, no charge
If cancelled on the day of the appointment, a $20 late cancellation charge
If non-attendance, full private fees apply irrelevant of ACC status
You can easily contact us by phoning (09) 634 8103
In addition to Chiropractic care and Acupuncture, in the Complete Balance practice, we’re ready to discuss lifestyle advice that will speed your recovery. Just contact our team today to learn more.